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Of Fever Dreams and Screaming Nightmares

Of Fever Dreams and Screaming Nightmares

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Merriment in making a morbid monument

Tutoring 3
Skill 1
Idea 5
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Material AssemblageMaterial Assemblage

The basic building materials are assembled. I purchased a 5″ (~125mm) plastic base from Reaper long ago from their Base Boss line and marked off 4″ (100mm) to work the wall of the wellspring. I’ll be using some of the massive amount of polystyrene foam I scavenged from work and the cast off packing garbage to make the bricks. I purchased a foam cutter and sliced rough 5mm slices off like a cheese cutter but it’s not the easiest to be consistent with straight cuts. These I then sliced with a hobby knife to nearly 5mm thick for the “foam fries”. These I’ll cut to the length for the rectangular shape of proper bricks. On top of that I think I’ll put a thin slip of DAS or perhaps spackle if I can find it. This has been a pain of inconsistent work and I might pony up more cash for a foam cutting jig (probably not as terrain is a sometimes thing).

From the foam brick work I’ll tack on balsa scaffolding and plank over to create a proper platform that witnessed the ceremonial sacrifice of children. It won’t be terribly hard and might really only need to br slightly more detailed for interest with frayed/hanging rope lines. Now that this basic plan is set all I can think of for the moment is a certain scene from “300”.

I’ll put more thought into the aquatic sculpture with an image search, but for the moment I’ll keep that scene in my head rolling as I chuckle with a twisted Monty Python humor in the sequence of kick, a quick yelp and then a splash.


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