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Port Blacksand

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Getting Across Catfish River

Tutoring 15
Skill 15
Idea 15

I know that the bridges in the book are described as wooden, but I wanted something a little more substantial and something that I could reuse in other settings.

The bridge works out quite large but by keeping it modular, or at least as modular as possible, I can use it in different setups and even in different games.  Made of stone, and if I paint it similar to my other terrain it becomes multi-use.

As with just about all my other brickwork I undercoated the model with Army Painter Leather Brown spray.

In games bridges often become choke points and I want to avoid that as much as possible by making this bridge more of a feature in itself.  More details on that as we progress along with the project.

Any additional components I add to the bridge will be removable so they can be swapped in or out as the mood arises.

Getting Across Catfish River
Getting Across Catfish River

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Cult of Games Member

I didnt want to be the one to mention the bridge is wooden in the book. Are we going to get the skulls though

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