New Doomsong RPG! What Makes This New TTRPG Worth Diving Into? | In-Depth Designer Interview

October 4, 2023 by avernos

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Gerry sits down for a designer interview with the team behind the awesome new roleplay macabre, Doomsong! We chatted with the team from Caesar Ink, Jack, Chris and Morgan, about the development of the game, the inspiration behind it and the way that it has developed in terms of the narrative and art design.  By the end, you'll have an idea of why this new TTRPG is worth diving into!


Watch Out For Doomsong On Kickstarter

Check Out More From Doomsong

Check Out More From Caesar Ink

Doomsong features some fascinating new mechanics when it comes to character creation, magic, and combat plus a world which is just begging to be explored in more detail through your roleplaying antics.

Check out more of the art from Doomsong that we mentioned in the video...

FATHER PLAUGE doomsong rpg

Father Plague // Doomsong

theote fights misenmiest doomsong rpg

Theote Fights Misenmiest // Doomsong

Leech market doomsong rpg

Leech Market // Doomsong

Download the free Doomsong Demo to get a look at more artwork and give the game a go! Make sure to watch out for the Kickstarter Campaign coming soon (17th October) and make sure to dive into the campaign so you can get hold of the core rules plus the initial big campaign, Lord Have Mercy Upon Us!

Watch out for more Doomsong content in the near future!

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