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Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

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Finishing the bases

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So, I returned to the bases, had a look at them and agreed with past self who said that they might be too simple. But since the game they are for was only two days away, I again went for quick and experimental. So, after trying some different washes, I went with a Sepia wash. This made the bases not as crisp and clear, which would clash too much with the grimdark look of the Killteam I was painting. To finish it off, I added some scatter to three of the bases, made from odd bits and bobs. There is a toothpaste cap in there for example. I painted these bits simple leadbelcher with some Nuln oil on top. To finish it off I used the Speedpainter blood red to spatter on some blood.

To be honest, I’m happily surprised by the result!

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