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Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

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Slapping some paints on!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Getting startedGetting started

So, since speed is of essence, I thought I’d try my hand at some Slapchop™, the simplest kind: black primer, white dry brush and then some Army Painter Speed Paints.

The colours I’m using are:

  • Army Painter (AP) Speed Paints blood red for the coat
  • AP Speed Paints gravelord grey for the fur hats
  • AP Speed Paints hardened leather for…. well, the leather
  • AP true copper
  • GW leadbelcher
  • GW nuln oil


So, I’m halfway through the batch. I’ve got a first Void Shrike done though, more or less, which I used to test out the scheme.

Quite happy with the look. I might add some colour to the eye glasses if I have time left, and I think the back should be copper as well in hindsight.

So… how grim do you like your grimdark? Grim and dark please.

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