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The Zomb

The Zomb

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Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 8
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The battle was hard fought – many lay still, waterlogged in The Deathless Marshes, which was aptly named for the cannibalistic people, who lived there and had a penchant for necromantic cults. Well -maybe not aptly named…they died like everyone else. Heinrich was the last of that ill-fated expedition, a swordsman of the King’s Guard, he wore his yellow pantaloons and blue sash with pride (when he wasn’t stumbling through a feted swamp…). He pirouetted through the marsh in a haze, as fever took him. This was no surprise to Heinrich, he had sustained a minor wound to his sword arm and an enemy had cleaved his shield, grazing his left shoulder in the process. This was sufficient for evil spirits to enter the body and bring on illness, he knew, as an educated man. He would have to get an exorcism when he returned. Oh, and one of the brutes had bitten him! ‘Blast my eyes, I seem to have a case of the pink eye!’ Heinrich moaned, as he made for home…


Flesh: White base, Flesh wash, Druchi Violet, white highlights, black oil wash, removal from the highlights, white highlights (Again!). nurgle rot and blood for the blood god.


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