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Circus Maximus

Circus Maximus

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I think I have finished all the figures.

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 9

Finished off the Praetorian Guards.  I ended up only adding a couple of standing Guards to the imperial box.  I have a load more that are ‘mostly’ painted but I don’t think I will use them.

So, with those now glued in place, I will call this project officially almost done.

Sounds like a bit of an anticlimax, doesn’t it?   Well, I still have to wait for the cocktail sticks so that I can complete all the flags, that’s really only a small job.  Type up some quick reference sheets and cut some measuring sticks to length.  On the topic of sticks, I am going to go with these lengths, Short 4″, Medium, 8″ and Long 12″.  This will mean on an average turn a chariot will likely move 24″, providing it doesn’t need to change direction.   This should mean that a two-lap race should not take too long to play, even with 8 players.


I think I have finished all the figures.

Hopefully, I have achieved something close to making this simple game bigger than Ben Hur.

Of course, I will come back to this Project with the final finishing touches as soon as I can but until then, a few more pictures.



I think I have finished all the figures.
I think I have finished all the figures.
I think I have finished all the figures.
I think I have finished all the figures.

Time to start something new.


Battletech terrain (Modular Hex terrain with lots of options)

Victorian Science Fiction Town (Including an Aeronef Station)

Fantasy Town (Bridges gatehouse and winding streets)

Blood and Plunder (Ships to build including a Ghost Ship)

Open to suggestions here.

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hutchdugthefug1644 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Well done on the Golden Button. Absolutely amazing project. The type of staggering project that most of us dream of but doubt ourselves, and the time, effort and space required, and shy away from. Brilliant work. ?

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