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Grey v Blue - resurrection of my 6mm ACW

Grey v Blue - resurrection of my 6mm ACW

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The Painting Process

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10

Painting 6mm figures is easy and relatively quick to do. The process I use is as follows:

Base Colours 

  1. Prime the figures in black
  2. Choose your main base coat band dry brush the F*** out of the figures. In the case of the confederacy it was grey or butternut. In the case if the union it’s the dark blue colour of the blouse that I use
  3. Pick your secondary colour usually the colour of the trousers.
  4. Paint the skin in an appropriate skin colour mostly the face and the hands
  5. Paint the wooden bits I usually use burnt umber for this
  6. Then use a appropriate silver colour for the barrels and swords etc I normally use Vallejo steel


  1. That is the main colours done so next up is the wash . Use either a nut brown ink or a dark tone like nuln oil for this and paint over the entire figure.


  1. After the wash is dry then it’s on to picking out the cuffs and belt buckles etc
  2. For the cuffs use Light blue for infantry, Red for Artillerymen and yellow for the cavalry


  1. I am using 60mmx30mm bases cut out of plasticard.
  2. I glue the figures in two rows of three strips using UHU.
  3. I then use a Vallejo texture to smooth over the strip bases.
  4. I then paint the base using a sand colour.
  5. Then add fine grained sand
  6. This is then soaked using the Baccus base wash
  7. Then dry brush using three colours of sand paint from Baccus.
  8. Final stage is then to add some flock to taste.

That’s all the figures done a single base of figures can be painted and based in about an hour.

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2023-09-19 Your page has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Love the detailed looking figures for gaming with for the table game’s @commodorerob congratulations on the gold button.

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