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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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The Cult Starter Set: Mokoti

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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We’ve now got lots of lovely terrain to play around but time to actually paint some models beyond the Ronin starter set. I’ve delved into my Cult of Yurei starter set and started on Mokoti. In game, he’s cheap – just 10 rice, the Bushido equivalent of points – so in a normal 100 point game, he’s not hogging a lot of points but he does come with the Obey Ki feat which allows him to attempt to control other models. In the last battle report, this came in handy in controlling the mighty Kuma!

He’s based upon the Zen Buddhist Komuso monks that used to travel from village to village in Japan, playing their flute for food donations. They used to wear a wicker or reed basket on their head (called a tengai) to separate the monk from their ego.

In the case of Mokoti, he uses his flute to subvert those he meets and bends their will to that of the Cult.

Some Komuso monks yesterdaySome Komuso monks yesterday

Painting wise, I’m going to use Purple as the accent colour to tie all of my Cult models together. In this case, I’ll paint the tassels of his shawl purple. The main clothing is off white and then mixed with Luftwaffe uniform to develop a gradually darker grey that was applied as a glaze into the folds.

The wicker basket was tricky as the definition is too fine for dry brushing but I started with Iraqi sand, then a light soft tone wash (twice) before carefully trying to pick out the higher areas with first Iraqi Sand and then IS mixed with off white.

The shawl was a Luftwaffe grey given several nuln oil washes. I’ve then picked out the raised areas with glazes of Luftwaffe grey and off white mixes.

The sandals was flat earth for the wooden bases while the strapping was scruffulous brown. Flesh was made up of a mix of various flesh tones from my Scale 75 flesh set.

The writing on the board I think says Pay Me, at least that was what Google Translate came back with. It could be highly offensive or mean nothing at all.

The base I’m aiming again for consistency across the Cult. In this case it is a dry earth acrylic mix which, when dry, gets a brown wash. I’ve then applied clumps of dead earth, to really highlight the Cult’s dead side.

Overall, fairly easy but the glazing always takes a bit of time to get right.

The Cult Starter Set: Mokoti
The Cult Starter Set: Mokoti
The Cult Starter Set: Mokoti
The Cult Starter Set: Mokoti

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