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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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The aftermath... some tweaks to the scenario

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I won't award the scenario XP to my side on this occasion. I knew the game wouldn't necessarily be hard to complete generally, so I didn't give huge scores for success anyway.I won't award the scenario XP to my side on this occasion. I knew the game wouldn't necessarily be hard to complete generally, so I didn't give huge scores for success anyway.

I think the lack of out of action minis for my Brits by the end wasn’t down to skillful tactics by me, but more a lack of threat in the game.

Also the drummer boy was immediately compliant and following the Brits off the board. In The Troll Hunt mission I fould the 16+ Courage Check for the unit to wake up from their slumber at the fireside was frustratingly high. But the 12+ to get the drummer boy not to run away from you, was too easy. I may up it to 16+ just to make the rules where he runs away more likely to occur.

Revenants with ranged attack?

I have an idea for another brand of revenant that a necromancer has been able to animate into firing their musket. Rather than like the bandits on The Last Mile where they can reload and fire in one activation, I would make it so that they can return fire if fired upon, but once in the Monster Phase they either reload or fire depending on their musket’s status, or charge the enemy and melee if they are close enough.

Also the gravestones at the corners of the play area as a spawning point seemed like a good idea, but it seems sometimes they are too far from the action to be a telling factor. Maybe just using the gravestones in lines either side of the centre point seems like a better way to up the threat and make things more claustrophobic around the tokens they need to search. I am happy with the end phase 6+ to decide if more revenants arrive or not.

I will revise the scenario and play again. Will try a new French list just to be entertaining for me with the different soldier types and paint jobs.

The aftermath... some tweaks to the scenario

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