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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Chaos dwarfs on the horizon

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Chaos dwarfs on the horizon
Chaos dwarfs on the horizon

Earlier in the week I was gifted some forge world chaos dwarfs by a good mate.

This spurred me on into working on a chaos dwarf force I have been thinking about for a while.

I already have some swish hobgoblin minis from an oakbound studio kickstarter and some 3d printed fimir I plan on using as black orks so the chaos dwarfs came at a great time to fill out the force.

I always wanted to add some bull centaur models as they look cool and really have the feel of chaos dwarfs. Looking at the prices on ebay I decided to make some of my own using parts from my bitz box.

The body is from a gw plastic chaos hound with the head and front legs surgically removed with the clippers of doom.

The front legs are from a plastic gore with the body of a chaos dwarf pinned on top.

The head is an ork skull from the box of skulls with a green stuff hat of mighty proportions, and his big axe is from the old chaos warriors set.

Once all these bits were found I stuck it all together then plopped on some greenstuff to hide the gaps and add  a suitably old school chaos dwarf beard.

I’m pretty happy with the result, just need to make 9 more now

Ready for a splosh of paintReady for a splosh of paint
Grogu the cat checking my progressGrogu the cat checking my progress
Starting work on the mighty hatStarting work on the mighty hat

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