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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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Tutoring 6
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Idea 6
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2nd Sept 2023

I also managed to get these ape like chaps finished.

The skin tone was contrast grey with some highlights, and the fur areas were painted black with some grey highlights.

The main features on these two minis, to me at least, are the gaping maws and the ‘magical flames’ that wreath them.

Following the artwork colours I went with purple for the flames. These were washed and highlighted, but still felt just a little flat.


So I added some sporadic white highlights to the flame areas to give it a little more depth, or feeling of ‘activity’ to the flames. Which seemed to help.


The mouths got the usual blue lollipop tongues ? and the teeth picked out.

Do you have biscuits?Do you have biscuits?

These chaps are also the only ones so far to actually have eyes – so I painted these white them gave them a thin coat of a bright green to try to give them a glow effect.

And with that they were done (except for some grass/tufts to be added at the end).


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