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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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28th August 2023

For the reapers the pink contrast over the zenithal undercoat gave them quite a nice effect.

I wanted to add the black ends of the limbs and claws – so to facilitate a reasonable blend I started by painting contrast medium over the areas for blend.

Next up I used neat black contrast on the ends of the limbs, running into the medium to ‘feather’ it out into the existing pink.

I was happy enough with the result, so went onto some detailing touches.

The claws and limb ends were given a small highlight, then all the claws were given a gloss varnish.

Their tongues were painted in a vibrant blue, followed by a wash. I used blue to be a nice pop of colour against the pinks.

Then I picked out the teeth to some extent, and they were pretty much done.

Claw dudesClaw dudes

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