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Chasing the Bad Moon

Chasing the Bad Moon

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game 1, story

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Played the first game this past Thursday. No pictures because I didn’t think about that while playing. Next time. But I wrote up another story of the battle. I think thats how I will do any future battle reports. The game was 700 points, gloomspite gitz vs seraphon. The battleplan was nexus of power out of the dawnbringers book 1.


Igzig wasn’t expecting to come across scaley boyz as he headed south but both warbands seemed to be surprised by the others presence. It looked like both warbands were unconsciously drawn to the area because of a long lost nexus of power. Igzig knew his gitz had to take on these scaley boyz as nexus areas always had the best mushrooms growing near by. Not wanting to have his hoppers fight head on, Igzig released his horde of squigs to run a distraction. The oddly well executed plan seemed to work as the rest of the gitz harvested all the mushrooms they could find. Unbeknownst to both armies the shudderblight plague lingered in the area. This cause a few scaley boyz and gitz to wander off. Luckily for the gitz the Bad Moon hung over the battlefield for the whole skrimage and by the end only the gitz and squig were left. After the fighting stopped Globbnogg crushed up some of the new harvest and began to brew. The concoction caused him to see into another realm. Where odd beings, who could only be described as gadget gitz, spoke to him.  Globbnogg seemed to understand only a bit of what they said but he learned how to find them again. Igzig decided to head back to the old keep they called home. For now the warband would have to rest after the victory.


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