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Medieval Mayhem - A Barons War Project

Medieval Mayhem - A Barons War Project

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Miniatures - Archers

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

After I completed the Spearmen it was on to the Archers. There are two units if archers in the retinue pack I purchased from Footsore. These each are of 5 models each.

Like the Spearmen they were prepared in exactly the same way.


Example of the prepared and primed archersExample of the prepared and primed archers

The colour scheme for the archers will be following that of the Spearmen as they are all from the same retinue. So basic colours for their clothes and a reddish tabard or surcoat.

The first archer has come out well I think, only 9 more to do ?

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CommodoreRobAndrew Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Bam, looking cool I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the force and how your campaign plays out

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