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Adventures in Arcworlde

Adventures in Arcworlde

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Project Blog by Demonsub Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 8

About the Project

A project to show off my miniatures collection for the game Arcworlde. This may expand to cover my additional exploits as I delve deeper into the world.

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Ourks Starter Warband

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
Ourks Starter Warband

Here’s my completed starter warband. I painted all of these models together for a more consistent look.

For the skin I tried something a little different and experimented. I painted it a deep red first then I highlighted up with caucasian skin tones. I then glazed the skin with a dark green thinned down contrast followed by on olive green glaze. I quite like the result.

The shaman was quite a complex miniature to paint with a lot going on, including some special magical effects which I’ve interpreted as a sort of glowing green smoke. I think I pulled off the smoke effect better on his gremlin familiar (the goblin below with the staff).

Although the eyes are sculpted on the miniature they are oversized and the eyeballs aren’t sculpted leaving the painter to decide on where the miniature is looking. This proved quite a challenge for me and I had to do two attempted before I was happy enough with the result.
Overall I’m quite happy with the way these came out. The gremlins (the Arcworlde name for these goblins) are very characterful and the ourks look big, mean and crazy. The miniatures are detailed enough for the fun of painting but without being over detailed to dictate everything to the painter.
I’m already looking forward to my next miniatures.

Ourks Starter Warband

First Steps

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I’ve had my eye on Warp Miniatures for a while now and after seeing the news a few weeks ago of a new Kickstarter (on now) I thought I’d take another look at their site and their fantastic miniatures. I subsequently placed my first order.

First Steps

As you can see from the picture I picked up everything and a little more to start playing. Actually you could start playing without buying anything as there’s a printer friendly pdf of the rules and lists on the Warp Miniatures website, along with a very nice online warband list builder app which you can export your list as a pdf for easy printing.

I picked up the inexpensive but full colour rule book, some mdf tokens and a measuring tool, some very nice looking d6 dice and crystals, a pack of playing cards (used for the magic system), a comic book set in the world of Arcworlde and a deck of Top Trumps cards (because why not). I also bought my first starter warband set of miniature which I’ll show in the next blog entry.


Above are a few shots from the rule book, a selection of cards and some shots from the comic book.

Rules wise the game is a fairly rules light skirmish game, using action points to do a variety of skills and actions and competing to collect the most Arcanite (those green crystals) that are scattered around the table. It emphasises story over competitive play style which is right up my street. Typical resolution requires a target number on a d6 where the number of d6 rolled is determined on the character’s stat card.

I’m looking forward to trying out a game but for that I need miniatures. While any suitable miniatures could be use I like the style of the Arcworlde minis so much I’ve decided to collect and paint them and this will be the main subject of this project.

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