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Operation: Spidicules

Operation: Spidicules

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A Little More Base

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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After getting a basic base shape and height I was happy with, I used a bunch of Dungeons and Lasers terrain that my SO had lying around to add interest.

The placement was fairly random (what looks cool?) with a bit of ‘what can I use later to place Spidicules’ legs on?’ Hence, there are some mushrooms and vines near the top.

Throughout, this process involved eyeballing the terrain placement, marking out parts with a Sharpie, then excising bits of cork/foam until the piece was sitting snugly and securely in the base. I used woodglue for some pieces and superglue for others.

In the last picture above, the gap near the top of the terrain will be covered by foam, so that placement works really well.

Afterward a single evening placing terrain, the base looked like this:

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