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Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

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The Barn is Done

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

Hi everyone,

Another quick post. I just finished the barn a couple of hours ago.  I painted it up red because most of the barns I have seen on the internet within or close to the period are all red? Don’t ask me why.

This was a quick and easy build.  The most time consuming element was the tiles that I laid down one by one.  Other than that I doubt I spent more than eight hours on the whole build and paint up.

The Barn is Done
The Barn is Done
The Barn is Done
The Barn is Done

That is all for now. I have to get back to painting and finishing up the Union Cavalry.

So until next time, stay safe and have fun.


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