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Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan

Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan

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The reason for the lack of gaming motivation

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Like everyone since 2020 , most social parts of many hobbies had to take a inforced break. This was due to the global pandemic that swept the face of the planet.

Forward to June 2023. I started going back to paranormal investigation. So the free time i have using to paint over the last 3 year, is mostly taken up with research and preparation for the investigations. I have now a fairly descent camera to record the investigations. And i am working on improving my camera skills. I am also starting  a short course on demonology this week.

I will be still painting and hobbying , but probably not at the same speed as i have over the last few years.

If you’re at all interested in my exploits into paranormal investigation  i have a YouTube channel

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Cult of Games Member

Just a word of advice from a man who is a fundamental Christian and student of these things – when you open spiritual doors and look in, sometimes there are things that look back. When that happens all you can do is pray.

Also, if you want a good and short description of what a demon is vis-a-vis a devil, I would suggest reading the 1st (and only) Book of Enoch.

Good luck and may God be with you.

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