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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Concerning Feegles

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The Nac Mac Feegle, known also as pictsies, a type of fairy folk. They are known for drinking, swearing and fighting, are incredibly strong, brave and are so heavily tattooed with wode that their skin appears blue. They have red hair, wearing kilts and occasionally mouse/bird skulls as helmets. They strike fear into the hearts of all who go against them… or a form of dread at any rate. Feegles are also only six inches tall.

The ones on the Chalk have a fear of words, writing being a tool used to punish feegles by things like lawyers and judges.

There are five books in their sub-series but this is enough information for now. Anything else you need to know, I’ll bring up when it matters. You really should give the series a try though. Wee Free Men is your starting point and even if you’ve never read a Discworld book, it excellent. There, my librarian bit is done.

Picking Models

With Tiffany being a Giant, the feegles had to be in scale to her. The books say they are around one tenth the height of Tiff so after measuring the Mantic giant, that gives us 15-17mm.

In the novels, the feegles don’t use armour. They have large swords, kilts and the occasional rat skull worn as a helmet. Two handed weapon wielding, kilt wearing, 15mm humanoids. Easier said than done.

There are ranges of kilt wearing 15mm models a plenty but most are using shields or had helmets on them. Early on I found this range from Magister Militum and after buying little samples from a couple of different companies, these won out. Size wise here they are compared to a 15mm dwarf from Ral Partha.

Concerning Feegles

What I like about the Magister ones is that they look a little chunkier, more heroically proportioned. Although they are 15mm, for the purposes of this army they are just small creatures in scale with a giant who is normal height human. That sentence made more sense in my head. They had to look good next to Tiffany and not like they didn’t belong together.

Tiff has seen better daysTiff has seen better days

The model range from Magister is extensive however only two unit types work for me; berserkers and warriors with two hand weapons. The berserkers have great feegle poses to them but none of them are kilted. The warriors are kilted but have some metal helmets on three of the five poses. There are both problems I’ll need to deal with; at the scale and volume of the army, things don’t have to be perfect, just to look good en masse at three ft away.

Next up is figuring out the paint scheme.

Concerning Feegles

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