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The dwarfs are coming to life

The dwarfs are coming to life

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Time for the finish

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So tonight i had another night at club with just hobbing and i can now say my dwarfs are finished. I do still have the deathroller to finish but that will be for another time as this project was about from box to finish and i’m very happy with the end result.

I may be a novice with painting but i can say as time went on with this 1 (and when i got on with it) i believe my painting did improve which not only with a finished result of the project and team it was nice to know ive achieve something.

So the next thing in the works will be the deathroller but i will be leaving that off here as it’s just 1 mini, but when i come back with my next project im looking to paint (and this is where your going to have to wait and see ;))

One last note before i sign off, if i have learnt something from painting don’t leave it too long before you paint again my advice (and i hope to stick to it my self) just paint 1 mini a month and if you have time paint more but its more so that you don’t lose your touch.

Until next time have a good 1 and at last i have a finished team and project 1st 1 i might add 🙂


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