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Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

Resolution 2023: Race Against Raging Heroes

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Grizenda Warqueen Of Winter

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Grizenda Warqueen Of Winter

This model is from a winter themed release so I wanted to go with a cold colour scheme.


The hair was painted celestra grey, washed drakenhof nightshade, then highlighted ulthuan grey followed by white scar. The “clothes” were painted the same except the wash was nuln oil.


The skin was painted rakarth flesh, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted flayed on flesh followed by pallid wych flesh.


The fur on the shoulders was painted abaddon black then highlighted corvus black followed by dawnstone.


The bone was painted zandri dust, washed seraphim sepia, then highlighted ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.


The metal was painted leadbelcher, washed drakenhoff nightshade, then highlighted ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.


The bases was painted macragge blue, washed drakenhoff nightshade, then drybrushed and highlighted teclis blue.

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