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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Pink Panther.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Pink Panther.

I couldn’t sleep so I ended up thinking, bad combo, I know, but when I am waiting on paints and I run out of stuff to post, what will I do? As many know, I always tell people to paint tanks pink and yet, I have only done one and now I am doing a World War 2 project.

"Sherbet" the Sherman

And thus it only seems fitting I paint another pink tank. I so happen to have bought this kit at some point in my life.

Pink Panther.

So I thought, this would be a wonderful opportunity to keep working on this project and include a pink tank. This will be my pink panther as a bit of a bonus in this project. It is just going to be a display piece and won’t add anything to Flames of War, but I think it’ll be fun. My priority still lies on Flames of War, this is just something I am doing on the side to keep posting something every day.

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