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Productive September

Productive September

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Paratroopers vs. Tigers - Biazzo Ridge, Sicily (15mm Wargame)

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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80 years ago this month, the Allies launched operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.  This game recreates part of the engagement on Biazzo Ridge, where badly scattered elements of the 505th Regimental Combat Team (82nd Airborne Division) held off armored spearheads of the “Herman Göring” panzer division driving toward the vulnerable American beachhead just established at Gela.

Had this German counterattack been allowed to reach its objective, its possible the 45th Infantry Division could have been wrecked on the sand, threatening the right wing of Bradley’s II Corps (part of Patton’s Seventh Army).

We’re running this game in 15mm, using Mark Ritchie’s “Tactical Combat” system in 15mm.

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