Wargames Atlantic Set Sail In New 3D Printable Norse Ship

July 18, 2023 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic continue to impress when it comes to their 3D Printable offerings for use in 28mm wargames. More Historical releases have popped up over the last few days including this absolutely awesome Norse Ship.

Norse Ship - Wargames Atlantic

Norse Ship // Wargames Atlantic

This could be a great option for those who are looking to add a Dark Age ship into the mix for those playing as the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons, or anyone else from that period. The hull sections do not come supported but all of the other components do so bear that in mind before you get this printed out.

As you can see, the Norse Ship looks pretty awesome when it has all been assembled and let loose. I like that it comes with the sail as well so you don't have to fiddle around with fabric. I'm sure that you could cut that out if you wanted and replace it if you don't like it that much.

Norse Ship Complete - Wargames Atlantic

Norse Ship (Complete) // Wargames Atlantic

It will be great to see someone printing this off and getting it painted. The renders are lovely but maybe we can get someone from the community to fire up their 3D Printer (or John...) and get this printed out so we can get a look at the details. I think it would be ace to get a whole bunch of these painted and build a Dark Age port, ripe for the plundering!

Pict Me!

As well as the Norse Ship, you can also pick up a new set of 28mm Picts for you to use during the Fall Of Rome and the period after that as the British Isles fall into turmoil.

Picts - Wargames Atlantic

Picts // Wargames Atlantic

The set comes with a good variety of bodies as well as plenty of bearded heads representing these Pict raiders. You've got a good array of weapons too including axes, spears, bows and there is even a crossbow in the mix as well. I really like the hooded variants for the heads and the shield designs. A great raiding force for those wanting to punish Romans, Britons and Saxons!

Will you be having a look at printing off these new releases from Wargames Atlantic?

"I think it would be ace to get a whole bunch of these painted and build a Dark Age port, ripe for the plundering!"

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