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Ballroom Blitz

Ballroom Blitz

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Back to The Ballroom

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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OK, focus Bexx!

With that random interlude finished with, I turned my attentions back to the ballroom. I wanted to make some kind of ornate banister type thing to run along the back of the first little landing. I found some weird bendy plastic things and thought “they’ll do!”. And indeed they did. They cut like a dream with regular clippers, and glued in place with a couple of dabs of superglue. I trimmed the lengths to make a nice gradient with the middle being highest, sloping down to either end. I want to find something to stick on the ends to make it more ornate, but that’s a job for tomorrow, cos it’s time to close the shop and go home to eat pizza.

I left everything gluing, propped up with spray cans (which absolutely aren’t stock, promise), with the counter looking a right mess. And if Darren says anything, I’ll just tell him Gerry said it was OK 😛

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Back to The Ballroom
Back to The Ballroom

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