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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Basing Test Part 3: I'm on to something.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So the last 2 bases have dried and I am liking the look of this much more. There is still a little bit of a frosty shine to it, but it doesn’t look like glitter anymore.

Basing Test Part 3: I'm on to something.

So for the next 2 tests.

I have used a bit of a thicker mix as before with the GaleForce Nine Hobby Round: Snow (GFS027), water and PVA. Spread that on the base and carved the tracks into it. I then applied a couple of drops of water on the sides where the snow would be less disturbed and smoothed it out. I then sprinkled a bit more of the snow on there, we’ll see what that looks like when dry, but I think this is the winner.

I went back to have a look at my old Wintery Basing Experiments project and tried to apply that to the base on the right. I made a mix with Vallejo Water Texture Still Water (26.230) & Vallejo Weathering Effects Snow (73.820) and spread that on the base. I then carved in the tracks and added a little bit more water texture in there. I then sprinkled some of the GF9 snow on the sides. I will have to see how this looks like when dry.

Basing Test Part 3: I'm on to something.

I also prepped 2 more bases in the same way as before.

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