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Whimsical Fantasy Miniatures

Whimsical Fantasy Miniatures

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Knoll The Troll and Some Pixies

Tutoring 7
Skill 13
Idea 13
Knoll The Troll and Some Pixies

I got Knoll the troll from the excellent game of Moonstone recently. I’d always meant to get Knoll soon after he was released but other projects got in the way and after seeing the video of Tom collect his multiple awards at the UKGE I thought now was the time.
The detail on him is amazing, some of the finest detail I’ve seen on a miniature. He was so much fun to paint.

Knoll The Troll and Some Pixies

I also received picked up the skirmish game The Woods by Oakbound Studio . It’s a game based on European folklore and uses a dice-less system. At first glance it seemed quite complicated but I soon became intrigued in how the rules play out so I thought I’d put together a warband.

I’ve had a whole bunch of 15mm Copplestone casting’s Picts for a while which I’ve always intended on painting blue and using them as Wee Free Men or pixies or something. I thought they’d make a perfect warband for The Woods.

Knoll The Troll and Some Pixies

The badgers I order from Oakbound Studio and I converted one of the pixies to ride a badger, which I’m pretty happy with.

In the lists for pixie warbands you can add a fodden, which is basically a troll covered in foliage so Knoll from Moonstone was added to the warband as this fits him to a tee.

Knoll The Troll and Some Pixies

I thought I’d shake up my photography and try to take photos of miniatures on terrain in a more scenic picture. This is partly inspired by the current kickstarter for a photography backdrops book.

I made a small piece of terrain and, for the time being at least, used a picture on my iPad for the backdrop which will do until I get the book from the Kickstarter. I’m pretty happy with the results.

Knoll The Troll and Some Pixies

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome! ???

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