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Silver Bayonet 1850

Silver Bayonet 1850

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Blod-Maw complete

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 9
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Finished the big bad.  Dry brushed the skin with IDF Sand Grey over the brown bits, Citadel Foundation Astronomicon Grey over the grey bits and a blend of the two over the greener or intermediate bits.  Then the mouth got a dry brush of Vallejo Model Colour Beige Red with some stippled highlights along the edge of the tongue.

Then basing.  I’m sticking to the snow scatter which I’ve got.  I put some pieces of slate down first for a bit of texture and painted the base white and the tops of the stones where the snow was going to go.  Base rim also in white, several coats – coverage is rubbish.

Varnished with Mr Hobby Flat Matt spraycan and then gloss varnish in the mouth and over the gums.  Done.

Blod-Maw complete
Blod-Maw complete
Blod-Maw complete
Blod-Maw complete

And for those of you wondering about size it is listed as 101mm tall, that is a 100mm base it’s on.  Lunch has arrived.

Blod-Maw complete

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