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SAGA Challenge

SAGA Challenge

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Week 12 (Proper) - Viking Longboat

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

So, the work on the longboat continued.  I painted the entire boat (excluding the sail/masts) with grey spray paint.  The painting process for the boat and mast used Vallejo paints from the “Leather & Wood” set.  The sail was painted using acrylics.

The process for the sail followed from the PvA which was used to form a rigid structure.  A mix of white and Ochre was the basic color for the sail, and then strong blue stripes were added.

It was finished off with gluing some small yarn loops to simulate rigging on the sail itself.  The yarn was looped around a skewer and double knots tied. This was glued on the bottom of the sail.

The boat itself was painted in a series of colors randomly used to represent different wood.  Small balsa blocks were glued to the ‘deck’ as seating, and a central ‘plank’ was also added.

Some spare shields were glued to the side of the boat and painted white.  I am thinking of buying some shield transfers so I might leave these white for now.

The painting scheme followed this pattern:

Random ‘stripes’ of “Japanese Uniform” 70.923 and Flat Earth 70.983

Wash of diluted Flat Earth over the Japanese Uniform color (#1 ref)

Wash of “Smoke” 70.939 on some of the Flat Earth ‘planks’ (#2 ref)

Wash of “Woodgrain” 70.828 on others (#3 ref)

2nd Wash on “Japanese Uniform” Chocolate Brown” 70.872 (#1 ref)

2nd Wash on “Smoke” with 50/50 Smoke & Black (#2 ref)

2nd wash on “Woodgrain” with 50/50 Smoke & Woodgrain (#3 ref)

After this is fully dry I’ll add some wood grains using a mix 90/10 of Dark Sand (70.847) and Japanese Uniform  to (#1 ref)

90/10 Dark Sand & Flat Earth (#2 ref)

90/10 Dark Sand & Woodgrain (#3 ref)

The whole boat will then get a wash of Smoke to tie things together

Final Two pictures, with wood grain effect added and final wash with “Smoke”

The The "grain" looks very prominent before the wash
Smoke wash added and overall wood muted nicely.Smoke wash added and overall wood muted nicely.

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Cult of Games Member

With all this work done as well as you have it I think I should sit down and finish up watching ‘Vinland Saga’ on Netflix

Cult of Games Member

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