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Zebraoutrider lets slip the Dogs of War

Zebraoutrider lets slip the Dogs of War

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In charges the Cavalry…

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

To support Bronzino’s Galloper Gun and to provide some swift counter-attacks Al-Muktar’s Desert Dogs have crossed the ocean from Araby to Lustria in search of the fabled treasure of the Slaan.

These horsemen were not in such a dusty state as the other miniatures because they were still in my painting pile to join my existing  Bretonnian Project and stored in my painting den. They still needed finishing off to bring them up to table-top standard and the bases upgraded to fit in with the luscious green of the fertile continent.

Al-Muktar’s Dogs of War unit comes with six members including Al-Muktar. To make this up to a unit of eight (so they fill the movement tray) I’ve added the DoW character model Suliman the Saracen and an Arabian Wizard on a flying carpet (Citadel Miniatures C33 ‘Airborne Wizard’ 1985). They are all mounted on 25x50mm resin rectangular cavalry bases (I think they are ancient bases from Micro Art Studio?)

In charges the Cavalry…

If you are going to field Suliman the Saracen, then you need to really also field his companion Baron Odo D’Outremer. This Bretonnian mercenary is mounted on a 50mm Ancient base aligned with Al-Muktar’s horsemen and also needed to have his paint job finished. The ‘Eavy Metal GW example in the various White Dwarf magazines show Odo all in white with a Red Cross as his main livery symbol, but I decided to instead quarter his livery with red checks and used a black cross so that I could link his colours with his mate Suliman.

I decided to also give Odo his own little companion with the mad wee halfling (Citadel Miniatures C11 ‘Hacker’ from 1986)  charging forward with a hatchet! This chap was originally going to join Bloody Mary’s unit, but having painted him up in Odo’s red and white livery, I think he adds a lovey dose of comic relief… note I deliberately posed the halfling so that it may look like Odo is about to whack him either as punishment or to encourage him forward! 

In charges the Cavalry…
Next up… a possible centrepiece for the army?Next up… a possible centrepiece for the army?

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Cult of Games Member

Keep up the painting of some great old figures. It’ll look great in the end.

Cult of Games Member

Baron Odo looks a bit like he’s playing “Wack A Mole” XD

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