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SanchoPanza Rides Again - ReVamping Gangs of Rome

SanchoPanza Rides Again - ReVamping Gangs of Rome

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Upgrading Market Stalls

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Upgrading Market Stalls

Not just buildings I am upgrading but actually its the whole of my Gangs of Rome collection, so I have decided to show some love to the Market Stalls. Original I decided that I was not going to have them on bases so they can match the mate they are on.

But now after revamping some of the buildings and adding a pavement to the front of the shops, instead of the plain painted front I did before I have opted for the same for these.

So I used the Sarissa Stencil System, smoothing a polyfiller/PVA mix through the stencils and painted them to match the pavements in front of the buildings. I have it was the right thing to do as it brings some stability to the stalls and also means I can now add some other boxes and stuff to the bases.

The Market Stalls are 3D prints from Iron Gate Scenery

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