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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Completed Cossack 1812 Vignette.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I painted this to the best of my ability and invested quite a few hours into it. Like the base I also tried a few techniques that I had not attempted before. I was hugely impressed with Andy Wardle’s Golden Demon Elrond piece and wanted to try the horse fur method he had used. Luckily I came across a video by Vince Vintrella on Youtube where he explains how you can apply fur texture to horses. Overall I was pleased with the conversion and hopefully my sculpting fits with the parts I had used from the Perry kits.

Completed Cossack 1812 Vignette.

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