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Middle Earth Mega Project

Middle Earth Mega Project

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"Trolling" Middle Earth Part 1!

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 15
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“Trolling” a matter that I am sure has absolutely never taken place on any Tolkien related group, forum or gathering, and certainly not by bored and bothersome “Normies”!

This is another great sculpt by Games Workshop from back in the Days when the films were fresh in the cinemas, depicting the point where the Mighty Cave Troll in Moria almost Spanks the Granny out of Frodo, by attempting to create Middle Earths first ever Hobbit kebab! Fortunately Frodo didn’t get skewered and the film didn’t end there!

I have painted the Troll as naturalistically as possible to paint a fantasy creature, and painted the Foe Spear a deliberately contrasting Mithril like shine in direct contrast, which also adds to the feel that it was a Dwarf weapon.

A great addition to any Moria Army and always an entertaining Monster on the table top.

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