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Spring Clean 2023.  Painting everything from 2022

Spring Clean 2023. Painting everything from 2022

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Vampires (North Star Miniatures (Metal))

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Vampires (North Star Miniatures (Metal))

Although I was tempted to do yellow skin and blue hair for the female vampire this is what happened.

The Vampires were primed IDF Israeli Sand Grey (Vallejo Surface Primer) then given a Payne’s Grey wash and dry brushed Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Color).

Skin: Tan Earth (Vallejo Model Air) mixed with Light Flesh (Vallejo Model Color),

Light Flesh highlight and a glaze of Purple ink.

Ivory (Vallejo Model Color) was applied as a highlight to the Hair, Teeth and Ear Rings.

Female Vampire Xpress Color list:

  • Dress/Head flowers – Cardinal Purple
  • Dress trim/Bow/Feather – Space Grey

Male Vampire Xpress Color list:

  • Trouser/Cuffs/Neck frill/Bow/Shoes – Cardinal Purple
  • Jacket/Stockings – Space Grey
  • Waistcoat – Lizard Green

Everything was gloss and matt varnished then the Male Vampire’s shoe buckles got a coat of a mix of Gunmetal Grey (Model Color), Panzer Dark Grey (Model Air), Silver (Game Color) and Airbrush Thinner. This was then highlighted by adding Ivory to the mix.

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Laszlo and nadja!! Bat!

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