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Basing project from 1980s me.

Basing project from 1980s me.

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Lawmasters, details and comedy fruit.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1

I had three Lawmasters, the motorbikes that the Judges use, which needed to have a base representing the tarmac roads of MegaCity One. I used painted sandpaper, to which I added some road markings using my 6 year olds acrylic pens. 

The other bases now needed to be painted and as they were city streets this was a straightforward grey base coat, black wash and then the original grey dry-brushed on top. 

This looked “not just good, but good enough” (as Gerry’s Father would say) but I thought I’d add a few extra details for some interest. As these are streets, albeit a bit in the future, it’s your usual detritus of bin bags and rubbish. I bought some tiny resin fuel cans and bin bags from Crooked Dice, and some drinks cans from Green Stuff world. These were quickly painted up (I had great fun copying my favourites onto the drinks cans) and then super glued semi randomly to the bases. 


Fuel Cans and Bin BagsFuel Cans and Bin Bags
Drinks cans. Drinks cans.

The two Dark Judges that I hadn’t based back in the 1980s allowed me to go down the more traditional Grimdark route of adding skulls to the bases, while the Angel Gang and other inhabitants of The Cursed Earth got some tufts (there’s so many desert basing tutorials that I don’t need to add to them, but as you’re here it’s my own ‘base ready’ mix of sand and little stones, with a bit of crackle paint with a wash and a dry brush). 

One set of miniatures provided even more fun and inspiration: Don Uggie’s Ape Gang, and in particular Joe Bananas whose pockets are stuffed to bursting with, you guessed it, bananas. It makes perfect sense that the Ape Gang would leave a trail of banana skins wherever they went. So, here’s something I never thought I’d write, here’s my method of sculpting banana skins to a 28mm scale. 

I started with a tiny piece of green stuff, left over from when I was basing an individual miniature. I rolled this into an elongated elipsoid, or into banana shape if you prefer. 

Then I carefully sliced about into this, cutting lengthways by about a third and leaving the slice attached at the top. I did this two more times, to give 4 ‘leaves’ to my banana skin. Finally, I added some curves to the leaves using a pair of tweezers and some very precise swearing. Let that harden, paint it yellow and it’s ready to go.

So, all that’s left to do is the glamour shots. Hopefully I’ll get that done this weekend and create the post in the coming week.

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awesome job, the cans are cracking and the banana is a stunning little touch.

Dad would be proud 😉

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