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Elessar's Spring Clean: Tiny Heresy

Elessar's Spring Clean: Tiny Heresy

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Finished Army

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
Army Group Shot. Left to Right, Front. Tactical Squads, Special Weapons, Siege Tyrants, Terminators. Back. Heavy Weapons, Dreadnoughts, Shadowlord, Rhino's, Basilisks, Destroyers, PredatorsArmy Group Shot. Left to Right, Front. Tactical Squads, Special Weapons, Siege Tyrants, Terminators. Back. Heavy Weapons, Dreadnoughts, Shadowlord, Rhino's, Basilisks, Destroyers, Predators
18 Bases of Terminators with Command18 Bases of Terminators with Command
Finished Army
The quickest to paint was definitely the vehicles. I wasn't sure how to base them but 40mm Round bases I think was the best choice.The quickest to paint was definitely the vehicles. I wasn't sure how to base them but 40mm Round bases I think was the best choice.
Finished Army
Finished Army
Finished Army

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Cult of Games Member

Tiny Heresy, a thing of beauty

Cult of Games Member

Brilliant work time to get Ork killing.@elessar2590

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