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Dark Age Of Sigmar - Painting Grimdark In The Mortal Realms

Dark Age Of Sigmar - Painting Grimdark In The Mortal Realms

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Some Examples Of Other Dark Age Of Sigmar Miniatures

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I’ve been playing around with this idea and theme for a while. With that in mind, I thought I’d show off some of the other miniatures I have done in this similar style. When mixed together, I think it produces a fun and interesting world to dive into!

From the Warrior Starter Set...From the Warrior Starter Set...
...and part of my idea to dive into some Spring Cleaning to get this all finished off...and part of my idea to dive into some Spring Cleaning to get this all finished off
A basic Stormcast Eternal. The scheme can be replicated quickly meaning it shouldn't be hard to get an army painted like thisA basic Stormcast Eternal. The scheme can be replicated quickly meaning it shouldn't be hard to get an army painted like this
Fyreslayers done in a similar style with very subtle OSL on the axes. I liked the deep orange skin and red hair alongside the goldFyreslayers done in a similar style with very subtle OSL on the axes. I liked the deep orange skin and red hair alongside the gold

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