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Now for the Spring Clean bit

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Now for the Spring Clean bit
Now for the Spring Clean bit
Now for the Spring Clean bit

Finally we get to the spring clean bit.

While rummaging around in the loft for some tyranids I came across these:

  • Mordor orcs
  • Warriors of Harad
  • The fighting Uruk-hai
  • Heroes of the west
  • Gothmog
  • Haradrum Chieftain mounted and on foot
  • 4 Haradrim Raiders
  • Haradrim Champion
  • Haradrim Banner Bearer
  • Ring Wrath mounted and on foot

The heroes of the West (all in lovely metal) box has:

  • Aragon
  • Gimli
  • Legolas
  • Faramir
  • Eomer
  • Eowyn
  • Gandalf
  • Merry
  • Pippin

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Reverend James Jones (Jimmie) Recent comment authors
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Metal LOTR minis were always pretty spectacular. Nice collection!

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