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What do i do with this grey Battletech stuff?

What do i do with this grey Battletech stuff?

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Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Okay it took a week for me to notice the shout out, and it’s really appreciated.

In real life i teach kids with autism, as you can guess i dont have a huge amount of free time and motivation can be a pain in the backside when you’ve worked 10 hours and you still have planning for a lesson to do. In fact i should be writing an assembly right now.

So things like this matter i think. It’s not bragging rights. Its someone taking a moment and going ‘hey thats cool’ and it builds motivation. I think its why community is important. Having folk around you, even if its just a clicking a button to say thumbs up, being positive pushes you to keep going.

So next weekend my plan is to add some more personal details to some of the machines, and do a bit more work kicking my 40k idea around (I wont look at the spreadsheet that lists the mechs i need for the assault trinary for my Ghost bear project…..which is suposed yo be a week and done….stupid hob.)

Anyway community good, recognition gooderer (i mentioned i educate people right?). Thanks!

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