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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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Flak 88

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 12
Flak 88

Yes, yes yes and Y-E-S! I have finally got this Monster of a Gun and all it’s crew assembled and painted.

Th mighty Flak 88 was rightly feared by infantry, aircraft and tankers alike being deadly to all, including the heaviest tanks on the battlefield. The power of the ’88’ is very much expressed vigorously through the stats and impact in Games of Bolt Action.

Few weapons in Bolt Action are treated with as much fear and respect as a ‘Super Heavy Anti Tank Gun’. With a direct fire Anti Tank round it has a whopping range of 84 inches (frankly I think they missed a trick in it not being ’88’ inches!). This is enough to reach any corner of most table-top battlefields. Understandably this allows it to effect the enemies choice of movement and acts as a real deterrent and area denial piece.

I used it once in my first ‘Stalingrad Mega Battle Game of Bolt Action’ (ably filmed by ‘Ministry of Miniatures: )  and it wreaked havoc, taking out a KV1, damaging another and knackering a T34 before the crew were taken out. The dual factors of placing it in a building giving it ‘Heavy Cover’ and it’s ‘Gun Shield’ kept the crew alive and fighting for a lot longer than I though possible.

The model has a clearly distinct look and with some great crew miniatures it really stands out on the table-top.

It has the option to include a spotter and can fire as a ‘Medium Howitzer’, so it can can be hidden and still fire, as well as hit units visible to the spotter, but not the gun, which is a crucial advantage in the skeletal city of Stalingrad.

This model is available from Warlord Games:

Scenery based on kits from Thyme Again:

It was so effective in the game that I have decided to get another one, and the ‘Alarmmeinheiten Platoon’ list in the Stalingrad Campaign book allows me to field 2 in 1 platoon!

Stalingrad Campaign book:


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Wow. Impressive



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