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Spring Clean 2023.  Painting everything from 2022

Spring Clean 2023. Painting everything from 2022

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Goblins (North Star Miniatures (Metal))

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Goblins (North Star Miniatures (Metal))

Bad photo time again. These have came out a bit patchy and lighter compared to what they actually look like. The Vallejo Game Color range has been updated by Vallejo so I’ve put OOP (out of production) after any of the Game Color I’ve used.


The Goblins were primed IDF Israeli Sand Grey (Vallejo Surface Primer), washed with a home made Payne’s Grey wash and dry brushed Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Color).


Apart from the skin, teeth, metallics and base rim everything was coloured in with Vallejo Xpress Color.

Colouring in with Vallejo Xpress Color:-

  • Hats, shoes and wood – Copper Brown
  • Shorts were meant to be Wasteland Brown but I may have used Copper Brown instead
  • Coat – Lizard Green
  • Stockings and tights/pantaloons – Plague Green
  • Shirt – Templar White
  • Neck Scarf thing – Velvet Red
  • Eyes – Ivory (Vallejo Model Color) then Black Lotus followed by Velvet Red



  • Base – Dark Flesh Tone (Vallejo Game Color OOP)
  • Layers – progressively lighter layers of Dark Flesh Tone mixed with Bone White (Vallejo Game Color OOP) and mixing in Ice Yellow (Vallejo Model Color) for a highlight
  • Glaze- Tan Earth (Vallejo Model Air)


Teeth:- Bone White (Vallejo Game Color OOP)


Varnish of Gloss then Matt


  • Base – Black followed by a mix of Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Model Color), Panzer Dark Grey (Vallejo Model Color) and airbrush thinner
  • 1st Highlight – Silver (Vallejo Model Color) added to metallic base mix
  • 2nd Highlight – Silver mixed with Ivory (Vallejo Model Color) and airbrush thinner.
  • Wash – Army Painter Strong Tone

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