Spring Cleaning Challenge: Undead Stockpile Army
Recommendations: 21
About the Project
I’ve amassed a stockpile of various Undead odds and ends over the years. What better time to turn it into a useful army than the Spring Cleaning Challenge. I’ve got stuff from GW, Reaper, Wizkids, Mantic, and Wargames Atlantic. Gonna go with round bases as I can just make some footprint size movement trays for whatever game I’ll use them in. Any non skully stuff will get a head swap(Vampires will get skulls). Let The Spring Cleaning Challenge begin!
Related Game: Oathmark: Battles Of The Lost Age
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2023
This Project is Active
Hero of the underworld
Here’s the first hero of this project. It’s a Dark Elf Spider Centaur. Once again I used one of the Wargames Atlantic Skulls for the head swap. Simple yet effective. Based it up and primed and painted!!! The red is the same Flesh Tearers Contrast I’ll be using throughout the rest of the army. Same basing technique also.
Hero of the underworld
Here’s the first hero of this project. It’s a Dark Elf Spider Centaur. Once again I used one of the Wargames Atlantic Skulls for the head swap. Simple yet effective. Based it up and primed and painted!!! The red is the same Flesh Tearers Contrast I’ll be using throughout the rest of the army. Same basing technique also.
Big beasty! Graveyard Gollem
I love this model . Reaper BONES Grave Gollum. Zenith primed then washed with blues and greens to get a faded stone look. Basing materials from Woodland SCENICS and the like. Came out great. This will be my troll/ogre type model for this army.
Time for some skeletons
Here we go with some Skellies. I love the Wargames Atlantic skeletons because they look like… well… skeletons. lol… not covered in Bat wings and such. They are based on Warlord Games round 25mm bases with cork board pieces and sand. Paint is zenith prime job(basic black primer with GW White Scar). The white scar gives such a great smooth finish that is useful for using Contrast and SPEED PAINTS. Bone color is Skeleton Horde Contrast. The armor get a Contrast coat of Beastial brown. Then I stipple with three shades of metallic colors. Followed by a devlin mud wash. The ground gets several washes of watered down acrylic paints. I get the cheap sets from ROSS. They have a selection of art supplies for dirt cheap. Then I add some static grass. Lastly. The skeletons get a pure white dry brushing highlight.
Cavalry time
I’m really happy with how these came out. The Flesh Tearers Red Contrast paint is a shining star on these models. Also. The simple head swap with these Skull heads transformed these BONES models to some really cool undead cavalry. Gonna make a few more of these.
The pile of potential.
Here is a closeup group of pictures of the project contents