Spring Cleaning A Garden of Morr Then Expanding Upon It
The Garden Of Morr Is Finished…Or Is It?
After only a week’s work I’ve finished my Garden Of Morr having only had it in grey plastic for about 12 years.
I must say I’m chuffed to bits with it. I wanted that overgrown cemetery look and I think I’ve really achieved it. I can’t wait to play a few games with it.
As you can see I raided my tufts collection and added a whole bunch of other scenic stuff including static grass, useful to fill in the gaps between the different tufts to make it all appear more wild and overgrown. I used leaves really only on the flagstones to help with the overgrown style but I didn’t go wild with them.
Going onwards I’m looking to expand the Garden out into a full 2×2 or even a 3×3 table. I’ve already got some spooky Mantic trees on order and I’m pretty sure I have a few grave stones in a bits box which I could stick onto some mdf squares to make rows of graves.
I’m also thinking of getting a church or chapel. Something not too big, but we’ll see.
Great job, it looks stunning. The colour of all the vegetation really lifts it and possibly gives it more of an agnostic finish. There’s admittedly still bits of Warhammer iconography (and all the skulls), but I think what you’ve done separates the terrain from the home game really well.
Debris of War has some nice resin church/graveyard pieces; more of a historical lean, but might be worth a look.
Thanks for the kind words.
I’ve just had a quick look at Debris of War and some of their stuff looks pretty good. I might have to order one or two things such as those chest tombs and grave slabs (I’m currently raiding my bits box now for old gravestones). Also, that ruined chapel set looks quite nice.
The Chapel set is very nice, I grabbed one for my Silver Bayonet games. I’ve done a bare bones job of painting it though, should really revisit to add some weathering and lichen etc etc.