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Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor

Marvel Crisis Protocol by Lawnor

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Work Begins on the Shacks

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The shacks were primed with everything else a couple of weeks ago.  I’m starting with the walls as this is by far the biggest colour, so that’s what I want to airbrush.

The Greens were base coated with VGC 72.090 Black Green Ink.  I then tried highlighting them with VGC 72.089 Green ink, but it wasn’t light enough so I added a drop of P3 Yellow Ink.  I think it was about 6:1 green:yellow, but it might have been 8:1.  That yellow really overpowers the green and makes it a little radioactive glow-ish.  All highlights were applied by roughly painting just the middle area of each panel.

The same approach was taken on the orange shacks.  I based with VMC 70.981 Orange Brown and highlighted with VGC 72.038 Scrofulous Brown.

The voids were painted with a very dark grey.  I didn’t have one to hand so I added a little VMC 70.869 Basalt Grey to GW Abaddon Black.  It took a lot of black to keep it dark.  I thought the black would be the dominant colour in the mix, but I was very wrong.  We want a near black, but not actual black.

Work Begins on the Shacks

All three shacks have cash registers so lets get them done next.  Colour choices on these windows is going to be a pain.  I can’t use blacks/dark greys.  Blues will create problems with the windows later.  I don’t want colours to similar to the walls.  To make things worse some idiot keeps putting clear glass items in and expects us to paint them!

Cash Registers
Base VMC 70.988 Khaki
Pinwash GW Agrax Earthshade
Careful Drybrush P3 Menoth White Base

Work Begins on the Shacks

The cups were up next.  Another beige-ish colour in a small space.  I fear this is going to be an issue with these things.  I’ll do what I can

Paper Cups
Base Scalecolour SFG-39 peanut Butter
Wash GW Agrax Earthshade
Drybrush P3 Hammerfall Khaki

The cup on top of that cake display box has a beigy-white lid

Plastic Lid
Base P3 Menoth White Base
Highlight P3 Menoth White Highlight

Work Begins on the Shacks

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