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Spring cleaning Challenge:  Blanchitsu Aeldari

Spring cleaning Challenge: Blanchitsu Aeldari

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Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The method I developed, was purely accidental, and formed out of technical issues and cost cuttings. There is more detail on this in the Gigers Geneatealers project and why certain discussion made.

First the model was given a heavy white drybrush


I then painted the woodstain on all the armoured sections.

During my step back I had realised that the stain has varnish and I should embrace this rather than fight it. So once the stain had dried I added a very watered down black paint to darken the recesseses and then a second coat of the wood stain. Because of the varnish I could drag and blend the colours in a similar fashion to watercolour paints.


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