Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh
Deciding on a colour-way for the Ethereal's retinue
So I had several ideas.
Standard fire warrior colours with Purple cloaks.
Drybrushed purple with a stand out cloak in yellow/brown with veins.
Veined cloaks with red & purple underneath.
I want to make these guys stand out, I’m particularly fond of them as it’s my first attempt at sculpting anything. The cloaks are green stuff & while it’s not the best in the world I’m still chuffed with my efforts.
Out of all the ideas I like the red cloth, purple armour and veined cloaks best.
The drybrushed ones looked rushed & even bringing in the outlines again made them look scruffy and like I haven’t spent enough time on them.
While I love the purple cloak, the regular colours just weren’t special enough.
The inverted colours and veined cloaks are the winning combo is toon for me. It has a Star Wars praetorian guard vibe and I’m liking it.
Time to re-Undercoat the failed tests and get stuck into the squad.
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