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The Ballad of Bradicles

The Ballad of Bradicles

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Hyped for Hypaspists

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I still had 12 Hypaspists left from the Victrix set so I built them up but with different helmets.

One of the original build on the left. I’ll use them as my veteran Hoplites. The one on the right is from the new build and will represent the regular Hoplites. If I need any raw allied Hoplites I’ll just use my existing Greek Hoplites. One of the original build on the left. I’ll use them as my veteran Hoplites. The one on the right is from the new build and will represent the regular Hoplites. If I need any raw allied Hoplites I’ll just use my existing Greek Hoplites.

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Cult of Games Member

Great job.

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