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Reply To: What’s the point in GW releases?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion What’s the point in GW releases? Reply To: What’s the point in GW releases?



Solar – the opinion police? Give over. I am simply telling you that whinging is pointless. For some reason you don’t seem to like that.

Suggesting Games Workshop want you cowed is daft. They want you engaged so you’ll spend money with them. Now, I don’t understand how a computer can get in and buy *before* the sale marker begins – this is where holly’s phone time is different to Workshop’s – not ‘wrong’, different.

I’m not justifying it – I am not saying they’re right or that you are wrong. Losing out on something you want to buy *is* annoying. I understand and sympathise. What annoys me is the whining. It doesn’t solve anything or help anyone.

Now – what would be proactive is for us to compile a list of the smaller games stores so we can get the items we want without being stuck pressing refresh a la The Big Bang ComicCon.

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