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Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

Cadre of Mesme Ukos Refresh

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Air Caste

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Here come the Air Caste.

My original two ground crew have been joined by 3 more. I went with orange for the jumpsuits with blue armour. I tried to find the correct colours in my Tau paints but it seems I originally used two oranges, one of which is lost in the mists of time and an unknown shade of blue.

A quick rethink and I decide to redo the jumpsuits with the blazing orange that features on the pathfinders and after a couple of experiments (not pictured) with various Blues I settle on Hoeth Blue for the air caste.

Everyone ended up with new paint. One of my newer guys has a full face mask on so I tried out something new and went for a Jedi temple guard inspired pattern.

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